1. Admin Buildings (v1)

    The Admin Buildings API provides access to create, read and update building resources. Buildings are a component of the organizational hierarchy. A site is composed of buildings and a building is composed of floors. An example of this would be a college campus (site) with an arts building (building) and three floors (floors).

  2. Admin BusinessAddresses (v1)

    The Business Addresses API provides access to operations that retrieve and update Business Addresses. Business Addresses are tied to an organization, site, or building to provide additional info about the location of the resource.

  3. Admin Categories (v1)

    The Categories API provides access to create, read and update Category resources. Category resources are synonymous with tags and provide a mechanism for adding additional contextual information about a resource.

  4. Admin Control Groups (v1)

    The Admin Control Groups API provides access to create, read and update control group resources.

  5. Admin Controllers (v1)

    The Admin Controllers API provides access to create read and update controller resources, as well access to the associated network layout and connection information.

  6. Admin DeviceTwins (v1)

    The Admin DeviceTwin API provides access to read and update DeviceTwin properties

  7. Admin Floor Map Tokens {v1)

    The Floor Map Tokens API provides access to read floors with map token resources. These routes append map tokens to the floor object. These map tokens are retrieved using the information in the map token resources.

  8. Admin Floor Space Catalogs (v1)

    The Floor Space Catalogs API provides access to operations that retrieve and update floor space catalogs.

  9. Admin Floor Space Maps (v1)

    The Floor Space Map API provides access to create, read and update floor space map resources. A floor space can currently only support a single floor space map. Floor space maps can be loaded with optional geotransform information to provide a spatial context to the floor space.

  10. Admin Floor Spaces (v1)

    The Floor Space API provides access to create, read and update floor space resources. Floor Spaces define a local positioning coordinate system in meter. They also can define a transformation between the local coordinate system to the global coordinate system via the geotransform attributes. Floor Spaces are a component of the organizational hierarchy and reside under the floors in the hierarchy.